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I am a horrible person!

10 Nov

Hi guys 😀

This is just a quick update to say that I am the most horrible person ever for not updating. I won’t be updating for the next couple of weeks because of exams 😦 But once those are over I’m GOING TO UPDATE THIS.

To be honest you guys, I was thinking about making this a one generation legacy as I obviously cannot update regularly, but coming back and looking at the blog and all my little simmies, I’m not so sure I want to give up anymore..

Okay, but be sure that I will finish this gen soon. I PROMISE. Once my exams are done I’m on summer break until like February next year! So I will have lots of free time!

I have plotted out all of gen 1 and have planned a couple of little ‘extras’ chapters. The rest of the gen will focus on finishing Lena’s storyline and will go a little bit into the kids… The extras I want to do definitely are going to be awesome! 🙂

The first one I really want to do is one with all the ‘deleted scenes’ and shots that I have, because I take waaay too many pictures for all my chapters. I was planning to do this is a third person style, sort of like a typical legacy blog. What would you guys think of that?

Secondly, I’m planning to do a special on James and his past. I actually only decided to do this after the last chapter, because some of the stuff that James does and doesn’t do really intrigued me, so I gave him a back story.

Thirdly if I do decide to continue this legacy on I will have a chapter in which each of the kids get to have their own little section and give you all a little insight into what their story might be if they were heir!

So I’ll be busy studying or trying to study as I’m awful at it for a bit and I’ll be back! PROMISE. REALLY.

Looking forward to talking to you all soon 🙂

Sorry!!! :(

29 Apr

I know it haven’t posted in quite awhile and I’m really sorry! It’s just cause I’ve just gone back to school this week and it’s been pretty crazy. I’ve been adjusting back into the routine of school and I actually have quite a bit of homework I need to catch up on! So the next update will probably be next week. I’ll try to do some today and during the week too but it will probably be out next weekend!

Thanks for sticking with me!